


限界を知らないエナジー 果てまで飛べると信じてた

勝ち取った名誉に栄光、金、女 コツは馬鹿には乗んな



それがどうだ スーツは意味すら消えた 取り囲まれてるドブネズミ

賽子が転ぶ先が見えるか ぶち殺されるはそうこの俺だ

もう一回、そう失敗 金輪際日の目を見れない賽の目だ

逃げ続けるのが人生なのか 聴こえてくるのはまたあの声だ


Come under me.

I will let you liberate from your pain and suffering.

I am afraid that you have hardships.

Don’t cry.  The goal is just around the corner.


You are cute with your painful face.

Let me see at closer.

I will conduct you to the further of lights more pleasant than you are now.


続く暗闇はもううんざりだ 逃げ出してからもうどれくらいだ

五感は麻痺し誇れない旅路 have a crazy 霞んでくnoisy

泥に塗れた肌がお似合いだ BLACKは虐げられる定めだ

救いを求めるよ声の中に 今日はまだかな 我慢は無理だ


彼女の肌には穢れ一つなく 快楽を統べる意味には果てなく

衝動に駆られる暇も無く そしてまた声が脳に響く

彼女の中に更に奥に 潜り込むことで息をするんだ

今日はまだかな 我慢は無理だ 昼も夜も消えた地の時計だ


Are you seeking me?

I will let your mind and your body dissolve and break.

You have only painful things, don’t you?

Don’t stop running.  The goal is right over there.


You are cute with your ugly face.

Shout my name.

I will conduct you to the further of lights more pleasant than you are now.


It was the light that I saw after running.

I have only to fly.


You were able to come here at last.  You have only to fly.  The lights are here.

You want to unite to me, don’t you?

The lights more pleasant have already been here.